Airtrack for gymnastics training - good or bad? As many of you most likely know, a lot of young people are using airtracks thse days in order to become better at gymnastics. But is it a waste of money to buy an expensive Airtrack for that, or is it an effective piece of training equipment that will actually improve your training? Let's take a closer look at that issue today and see if a fancy Air track is actually worth the money.

Let first of all, what is an Airtrack? For those of you who haven't already tried one or seen one, it's looks a bit like a big inflateable madras. The ones you fill with air when you have guest sleeping over and not enough guest beds. Or as they call it themself, an inflatable gym mat. The whole idea behind an Air track is that when you do a jump and land on it, you will compess the air inside it, which in return will try to move back to normal pushing you up with a certain amount of kilos. This enables you to go higher into the air on your next jump. Because of the additional height you get on your jump, you can then do an additional flip or twist, or it will help you complete jumps you wouldn't normally be able to do.

Read more - - the number one Airtrack site on the net.

Basically they said, that the thicker the airtracks are, the more air they can compress when you land and the more height you get on the jumps. So a 20cm thick Airtrack should be more useful than a 10cm Air-track, but at an increased price and weight.

The longer the gym mat is, the more moves or jumps you do before running out of mat, which is important for experienced gymnast, not so much for beginners.

The width of the mat is more or less a safety issue. It's harder to fall outside the mat if it's wide, so a wider mat is safer to use, but again - more expensive, more heavy and takes up more space which can also be a big issue sometimes.

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But does it really work, will that additional height make you a better gymnast? The theory behind it all is pretty solid. And when we look at some movies of people using Airtracks there are no doubt that they do indeed get a big boost in jumping power when using one. It also makes a lot of sense, that if you have more height on a jump, it's easier to complete. You most likely already know that from having tried a trampoline at some point. On the trampoline you can much easier do backflips and other jumps. The same goes for the Air track. Even though you don't get quite the same height on your jumps as you would on a quality trampoline, you still get a nice boost to your jumps and for some that makes the difference between completing a jump or failing it. And if you can do it on the airtrack, you can keep training it until you at some point at good enough to also do it without the help of the Airtrack.

Read more - - using an airtrack for fitness training and other sports.

So in theory it's all good and sounds like an very useful gymnastic tool. But what does the gymnasts say, are they happy with the Airtrack or is it more or less just a gimmick? I have talked to 5 younger gymnasts to get their view on the Airtracks.

Martilde - 11 year, been doing gymnastics for 5 months. "I love to use the big 10 meter Airtrack we got at the gymnastics hall. It's much more fun to use than the floor. I am still begging my other to give me a small Airtrack for home use, and I am hoping to get one for my next birthsday"

Lars - 14 year, been doing gymnastics for 5 years. "The Airtrack is great. You can combine jumps you wouldn't normally be able to pull of in a series, and you get much more speed on your jumps which is more fun. If not for the Airtracks, I am not sure I would still be doing gymnastics at all"

Tina - 9 year old, been doing gymnastics for 1½ year. "I think the Airtrack is fun, it helps me to learn new jumps. I have a 3 meter GymPlay Airtrack at home which is use maybe 2 times a week."

Pernille - 12 year old, just started at gymnastics "I think the Airtrack is fun, but not as fun as my Berg trampoline at home. I don't think I would want one at home too"

Palle - 11 year old, been doing gynastics for 2 years. "Airtracks are great, I love using them both for fun and as part of our training. Don't have one at home, and doesn't have the space for one. But one of my friends have one and we use it a lot."

From talking to the gymnasts it seems that Airtracks are not only a fun gimmick, but also a tool that can be used in gymnastics training.

Read more - - finding the right Berg trampoline.

So how big an Airtrack should you buy if you want to give it a try?

For people below 10 with little gymnastic experience a 4-5 meter, 10 cm heigh model is often quite enough to train new jumps and learn the basics. It's inexpensive, doesn't take up much space, so it's a pretty easy decission to buy one of those.

For older and more experienced gymnasts a 5-8 meter model is preferred, and 15-20 in height. With a big model like this you can do more jumps, you get extra height and it's generally more fun to use compared to a smaller model. It's also more expensive and heavier to carry around.

But are Airtracks only for gymnasts? No also in other sports do they use Airtracks quite a bit. Most cheerleaders use them, it's also gaining popularity in parkour and martial arts. And a lot of people just use them for fun and tumbling in their lawns.

Read more - - Gymnastics training at home.