Create a Gmail account for the Subreddit (Ours is USLPROreddit@gmail.com)

Create a Twitter account with that Gmail address – Make it as pretty as you want...I made a header and profile pic, pinned a tweet, wrote a bio and linked the website to the sub

Create an IFTTT account

Create a IFTTT recipe from an RSS feed to a Tweet – the RSS feed is the Subreddit with .rss following - ours for example is https://www.reddit.com/r/USLPRO.rss ; you'll have to authorize IFTTT to access your new Twitter account. In the ingredients for the tweet, start with the Entry URL first (so it doesn't get shortened), then any hashtags, then the Entry Title, which might get shortened. This will make more sense when you actually do it...they make it easy...our ingredients are written as {{EntryUrl}} #USL {{EntryTitle}}

You can visit the finished product at https://twitter.com/USLonReddit

Credit to /u/phat7deuce for writing this