Written by Anonymous

IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING SHITTY TO SAY, at least be brave enough to say it to my face. this website already is full of shit, we don't need more drama. also, newsflash; telling someone they are ugly won't make you better. in fact, those type of comments can damage the person completely and you don't have the right to say such things to ANYONE. don't forget that some on here are depressed, and i know too many kids who want to die, including myself. so, let's spread some love instead of hating on other people. thank you. -- ella.

leave me something nice here !!!

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schaaaaatz. i feel like just by saying that single word you'll know who i am but holy crap. how long have we been together? 5 years?? i honestly lost count. i knew from the very first moment you'd be someone really special in my life and i love you a little more everyday. i just asdfghjk i wanna see you ALREADY. ok i'll just end here bc i need to go to the airport. see ya in like 2h :-)) (someday boo, someday) i adore, admire, appreciate, love, have deep devotion for your little cute face. (my apologies on writing the first one but i jUST HAD TO DONT HATE ME K) <3333333
--- i had to smile the entire time while reading this, omg. i love you so much. <33

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is asher, the person you love so much cx.
mk i love you and you give amazing cuddles just saying!! mk later!!
--- aw, this is adorable, thank youu. and i love you too. ♡

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i was about to write next to the dotted lines oiii whet is wrong with meh but YOU ARE SO FRICKIN' GORGEOUS UGH and cute :)))))
--- um, no, / you / are cute !! ?

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hi love, you did my notepad awhile ago, but i never got the chance of doing yours. anyways, we've been friends for about a month, give or take a few days; and you're one of the brightest people I've met on here. not just, like, intelligence wise, but in general. even when you're down in the dumps, you still have this vibe within your personality that's calming and friendly, overall pleasant to be around. you're great when it comes to giving advice, and you're a lovely gal of course ( even if we're a bit mean sometimes, #noregrets ) !!! 
so I love you bunches upon bunches ella, and I hope to never lose you.
- @emptycanvases
--- you're such a lovely soul. gosh, i love you so much. ♡

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i miss you so much
--- good. :-)

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hello, my love! ryan here to say that you're the sweetest, most kindest, and loveliest person on this site. you're hilarious and it's so easy to talk to you about (literally) anything. although we've known eachother for a short while, i feel as if i've known you for like ever (cliche ikr? but it's truee) !! i'm so lucky to have you as a friend and have zero intentions of letting you out of my life, ok? you're amazing. don't ever forget that. keep smiling your pretty little smile, ella. oH AND MAKE MY SETS BECAUSE MINE ARE THE WORST EVER UGH. YOURS ARE GOD'S CREATIONS OMG. OK GOTTA GO !! 

your fave, ryan the lion. 
oh and after this, u better write in my notepad smh. 

020116 / 7:39pm / @desultories
i wrote this on harry's bday ayyEE! 
--- i want to cry because you're so adorable, i love you !!!

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okay, ich bin nicht ganz toll wenn ich ein Brief schreibe ( lerne noch Deutsch ). elice here, just wanted you to know how amazingly wonderful you are. it makes me happy to see that so many people love you, you're a great friend and really sweet. liebe grüße, von elice. 
--- hey, you did a great job, doll! and your letter made me smile, you're too cute. ♡

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Hi. Long time no see? 
JK ITS KORI YOUR FAVE , and i just wanted to stop by because you did it for me x) and im too lazy to buy you a Calum Hood shirt so here's your thank you back. You are the most sweetest person i know love ya! 
- kor kor ?
--- i love you too!

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you're fucking perfect and i love you so much. okay? okay.
--- that was sweet (although i don't believe in perfection, but) you should definitely tell me who you are.

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I love you a lot. You mean a lot to me, but I don't think you know that anymore. 
--- maybe you should tell me who you are?
— harleyyyyyy

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i love you so much. 
--- i love you too.

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hey i love you loads, you're such a kind soul and sweet person.
- j. 
--- awe, thank you ... loads. c':

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p.s ;; you're wayy more cuter than me
--- but you're very adorable, and so much cuter than me.
— lol, el you are so funny. but lying is vv bad. just admit it, you are wayy cuter and adorable than me!!
--- nooo. how about you shut up because we both know so well that you're way cuter and adorable. shush now!

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love you wonder woman 
--- i love you too, batman.

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